500L 700MM YATAY TİP Kriyojenik Azot Dewar Sıvı Azot Kriyojenik Tankı
Dewar silindirlerinin avantajları
◆Depolama basıncı düşük, çok seviyeli güvenlik koruma cihazı ayarlanmış, güvenlik daha iyi ve işlem basit ve güvenilir.
- YA
- Shandong Eyaleti, Çin
- Siparişleri aldıktan yaklaşık 20 gün sonra
- Ayda 300000 adet
- bilgi
Advantages of Dewar tanks:
◆The storage pressure is low, multi-level safety protection device is set, the safety is better, and the operation is simple and reliable.
◆Large storage capacity, the gas storage capacity of a hexagonal gas cylinder is equivalent to nearly 30 cylinders of cylinder gas (oxygen, nitrogen, argon). Therefore, the storage area can be reduced, the operation of changing bottles can be reduced, and the work efficiency can be improved. For the centralized gas supply of pipelines, the investment in busbars can be reduced.
◆The bottle body is clean and the purity of the supplied gas is higher. Because the liquid gas is directly vaporized and supplied, it avoids the potential quality hazards caused by secondary pollution due to many links in the process of cylinder gas filling, transportation and use. Usually output oxygen purity ≥99.2%, nitrogen purity ≥99.999%, argon purity ≥99.995%, carbon dioxide purity ≥99.9%.
◆High utilization rate of gas: After each use of cylinder gas, there must be residual pressure, while the liquid gas supply of the hexagonal gas cylinder can avoid any waste and reduce the cost of gas consumption.